The Irish Sangha Trust (IST) was established in 2011 to support and foster teaching and meditation practice in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in Ireland. The Irish Sangha Trust is non-profit Buddhist organization, entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations.
Our annual schedule includes regular workshops, retreats and meditation sittings. Events are open to everyone from beginners to experienced practitioners. We welcome you to join our spiritual friends network and experience the profound benefits of meditation practice.
Summer Retreat: "Being Present With What is..." with Ajahn Metta from Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UKSaturday, July 14th - Sunday, July 15th, 2012Practising mindfulness in all situations in life: there is no situation where we could not be mindful. We want to look into this during this weekend and practise with this in a formal way but also in everyday life situations... Can I be mindful in conversation with others? What does is mean to walk mindfully? How do I apply mindfulness in my meditation practice? Do I actually really want to be here, right now? Lots of questions and situations to look deeper into........... Registration Fee: €20 for one day, €30 for 2 days. Concession for children is €10. Please contact us if you wish to to bring your children along. Refreshments, CDs and Dharma books are available for free. Please specify the date that you wish to attend on the online booking form, if you wish to attend only one date. It is strongly recommended to attend both days. We also accept Cheques, Bank draft, Money order, Postal order, Bank transfer, Direct bank deposit, and Cash paid in person. To explore these options please contact us at For more information, please contact |