The Irish Sangha Trust (IST) was established in 2011 to support and foster teaching and meditation practice in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in Ireland. The Irish Sangha Trust is non-profit Buddhist organization, entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations.

Our annual schedule includes regular workshops, retreats and meditation sittings. Events are open to everyone from beginners to experienced practitioners. We welcome you to join our spiritual friends network and experience the profound benefits of meditation practice.

Announcement: Buddhist Approaches to Bereavement and Grief with Ven. Chang Chu

July 13-17th

Dear friends,

We would like to inform you of an upcoming 5-day retreat organized by Sunyata Buddhist Centre in Co. Clare, on the theme of grief and bereavement, and led by Ven. Chang Chun.

Best wishes,

Retreat Description

What would it be like to sit together in a retreat to reflect on Death and in remembrance of the lost loved ones?

This retreat is for those currently experiencing loss of loved ones-families or friends. In this retreat, we come together as a sangha to support each other on the journey of bereavement and healing by observing the Buddhist principles. So, the participants could find their ways
(1) to accept the reality of the loss;
(2) to work through the pain of grief;
(3) to adjust to an environment without the deceased;
(4) to emotionally relocate the deceased and move on with life.

This is not a counselling course nor a group therapy. There are no mental health professionals present in the group.
This is an opportunity for practitioners to apply mindfulness practice and the teachings of the Buddha during the process of grieving. Especially, the Buddhis teaching of awareness of death can function and serve as an awakening experience in every person's life, as a process of maturity and deep reflection. It can also serve as a means for change in the way a person is
experiencing life, helping to create a new value system.
If you are ready to face the loss, this retreat is for you.

Prebooking is essential, use the following link to access Sunyata's retreat dedicated webpage and to register:

Chang Chun Fashi (Sr. Jinho)

Chang Chun Fashi (previously known as Sr. Jinho) has been an ordained nun in the Chan (Chinese Zen) Buddhist tradition for over 20 years. She was ordained by the late Chan Master Sheng-Yen in Dharma Drum Mountain monastery, Taiwan. For the last 10 years she has mostly lived in Europe. She has the role of Buddhist Chaplain in Bristol University in the UK where, for many years, she has led meditation groups and offered spiritual guidance to students and others in the surrounding area. During this time she has taught in many places across Europe, including Ireland, Germany, U.K., and Russia. She has a long-standing association with the Irish Buddhist community and has come to Ireland annually for more than 10 years to teach various retreats and events here. She is known for her creative and compassionate approach to teaching and always has energy for new projects to bring people together in the Dharma. She has recently took the full ordination ceremony as a Bhikkhuni.














Sri Lanka








Ajahn Chah