The Irish Sangha Trust (IST) was established in 2011 to support and foster teaching and meditation practice in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in Ireland. The Irish Sangha Trust is non-profit Buddhist organization, entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations.
Our annual schedule includes regular workshops, retreats and meditation sittings. Events are open to everyone from beginners to experienced practitioners. We welcome you to join our spiritual friends network and experience the profound benefits of meditation practice.
"Friends on the path" Meditation SitSunday, May 14th, 2017 (9:30am-5:30pm)At "Friends on the Path" meditation sits you can get to know like-minded people and make spiritual friends on the path. These events provide an opportunity for both beginners and regular meditators to meet and share ideas and experience with each other. Group meditation sits are very supportive and helpful in establishing and maintaining a regular meditation practice. The day will be organized around periods of sitting, dhamma talks, discussions and a shared vegetarian lunch. People can attend the morning and/or afternoon sessions as they wish. If you wish to stay for lunch, please bring something vegetarian to share. There are facilities for heating food if necessary, but not for preparing or cooking food, also no soups please. Time: 9:30am to 5:30pm Venue: Ranelagh, Dublin 6. To see the map click here To book a place please register here. Fee: Donation only. Suggested donation: €5-€10. |