The Irish Sangha Trust (IST) was established in 2011 to support and foster teaching and meditation practice in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in Ireland. The Irish Sangha Trust is non-profit Buddhist organization, entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations.
Our annual schedule includes regular workshops, retreats and meditation sittings. Events are open to everyone from beginners to experienced practitioners. We welcome you to join our spiritual friends network and experience the profound benefits of meditation practice.
Daily Life Course with Noirin SheahanFriday, the 24th, 31st of March and the 7th of April 2017, 19:30 - 21:30Noirin has been offering courses in Daily Life Dhamma at Satipanya Buddhist Center (Wales) for a number of years and now we are glad to have such courses taught in Dublin. Noirin led a course in Daily Life Dhamma at IST in November focusing on the first three of the Four Noble Truths. This Spring Noirin will follow up with another course focusing on the Fourth Noble Truth. During the course we will go through the notes prepared by Noirin and will do suggested exercises helping us to develop the Noble Eightfold Path both on and off the cushion. The meetings will include silent meditation practice and also time for discussion. People are asked to commit to coming for all three sessions and to make time for daily meditation practice – even if this is only for ten minutes. Also people need to devote some time to reflect on the notes and see if they can recognise and work with the Eightfold Path in ordinary life. Making notes or keeping a diary can be very helpful here. Plan to devote a few minutes a day for Dhamma reflection during the course. Those who took part in the the previous Daily Life Dhamma courses found they helped vitalize their practice. Sharing the experience with others is an important aspect of this – speaking about it usually helps clarify the experience for ourselves. Also people learn from each other’s successes and pitfalls. This helps deepen our sense of Sangha – the human face of the Dhamma. Think about whether you could commit to a course during late March / early April. If you have to miss a meeting, please email us in advance to let us know. We can email you the notes, but keep in mind that it can be quite demoralizing for a group if people are coming and going. Participating and sharing is an important part of the course. So please do make every effort to come to all three sessions. Places are limited, early registration is essential. Registration: please click here (or contact us at Date and time: Friday, the 24th, 31st of March and the 7th of April, 2017, 19:30 - 21:30 Venue: Ranelagh, Dublin 6. See map and directions here. At the door press bell marked "Appletree Top". Please don't come too early as usually there is no one there to open the door until 19:20. Noirin Sheahan Noirin has been practising meditation under the guidance of Bhante Bodhidhamma for almost thirty years. Born in Dublin in 1954, she is now retired from her work in a Dublin hospital, originally as a medical physicist / engineer and more recently as meditation teacher. She has taught vipassana under the guidance of Bhante Bodhidhamma in Gaia House, Sunyata and other centres in Ireland, and is a senior teacher at Satipanya Buddhist Retreat, Wales. In July 2013 Noirin underwent surgery for throat cancer in which she lost her voice box. She now has the distinction of being the first person to teach the Dhamma using an electro-larynx! Though this sounds mechanical, most people understand it well enough after a while. Noirin now prints her Dhamma talks and these are then read aloud by those attending evening classes / day retreats. For longer retreats, the Dhamma talks are pre-recorded by a friend. . More info about Noirin is here: |