The Irish Sangha Trust (IST) was established in 2011 to support and foster teaching and meditation practice in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in Ireland. The Irish Sangha Trust is non-profit Buddhist organization, entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations.

Our annual schedule includes regular workshops, retreats and meditation sittings. Events are open to everyone from beginners to experienced practitioners. We welcome you to join our spiritual friends network and experience the profound benefits of meditation practice.

Essays by Noirin Sheahan

We are glad to publish essays (Dhamma talks) which Noirin Sheahan prepared for meditation sit events at IST she led. These essays share wisdom of an experienced teacher, give perspective and practical advice on dealing with Life's puzzles and daily situations. They would be suitable for reading by both beginners and experienced practitioners.

January 2016

Noirin Sheahan - The Kalyanamita Sutta.pdf

Noirin Sheahan - Friends on the Path.pdf

March 2016

Noirin Sheahan - The Hindrances.pdf

September 2016 - Daily Life Course with Noirin Shehan (The Four Brahma Vihara)

IST Brahma Vihara week 1.pdf

IST Brahma Vihara week 2.pdf

IST Brahma Vihara, week 3.pdf

November 2017 - Daily Life Course with Noirin Shehan (The Noble Truths)

Week 1 - The First Noble Truth.pdf

Week 2 - The Second Noble Truth.pdf

Week 3 - The Third Noble Truth.pdf

Spring 2017 - Daily Life Course with Noirin Shehan (The Forth Noble Truth)

The Fourth Noble Truth, Week 1 - Wisdom.pdf

The Fourth Noble Truth, Week 2 - Morality.pdf

The Fourth Noble Truth, Week 3 - Cultivation.pdf

Autumn 2017

Talk on Hindrances (mp3)

Noirin Sheahan

Noirin has been practising meditation under the guidance of Bhante Bodhidhamma for almost thirty years. Born in Dublin in 1954, she is now retired from her work in a Dublin hospital, originally as a medical physicist / engineer and more recently as meditation teacher. She has taught vipassana under the guidance of Bhante Bodhidhamma in Gaia House, Sunyata and other centres in Ireland, and is a senior teacher at Satipanya Buddhist Retreat, Wales.

In July 2013 Noirin underwent surgery for throat cancer in which she lost her voice box. She now has the distinction of being the first person to teach the Dhamma using an electro-larynx! Though this sounds mechanical, most people understand it well enough after a while. Noirin now prints her Dhamma talks and these are then read aloud by those attending evening classes / day retreats. For longer retreats, the Dhamma talks are pre-recorded by a friend. .

More info about Noirin is here:














Sri Lanka








Ajahn Chah